Concept & Background

thumb_flagsWelcome to the European Dermatology Health Care Survey (EDS)! Our main objective is to determine, analyze and evaluate the health care situation regarding dermato-venereological diseases, chronic wounds and psoriasis in Europe.

The health care situation in dermatology in Europe is complex and contains numerous knowledge gaps. Detailed data regarding general standards as well as specific standards and costs of dermatological treatment, costs efficiency and global economic impact of skin disorders are only fragmentarily available. We hypothesized that these parameters might significantly differ among the European countries resulting in different quality and outcomes of dermatological health care.

Therefore we started one of the first European Dermatology Health Care Surveys in 2012 in which data from 33 countries have been collected to get a deeper and more detailed view on the impact of skin disorders. The results can be accessed here. Currently we are conducting a survey on psoriasis care.

The projects will allow to identify national and transnational problems and will help to correct undesirable developments in dermatological care, offering the chance to communicate them to all kinds of decision makers in dermatological departments and develop models to improve healthcare in patient-relevant ways. The data generated in these annual surveys will be presented at international scientific congresses in presentations and workshops and shall enrich national and international discussions. The publication of annual policy papers will act as a source of information for decision makers. All this will back the EADV and others who demand a better support of dermatologic care in Europe by health policy and authorities.

This project is supported by the DDG (Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft, German Society of Dermatology) and the BVDD (Berufsverband der deutschen Dermatologen e.V, Registered Association of the German Dermatologists.).